At New Life Church, we believe in nurturing the spirit of God’s love across all ages and walks of life. Our ministries are designed to provide a supportive and engaging spiritual journey for everyone. Explore our different ministries and find where you can connect, serve, and grow.

Children’s Ministry
Our children’s ministry, aptly named ‘Kid’s Cove’, is a safe and joyous space for our little ones to begin their spiritual journey. Through engaging stories, fun activities, and shared experiences, we provide a solid foundation of faith for children from early childhood to fifth grade.

YOUTH Ministry
Our youth ministry, ‘Youth Harbor’, focuses on guiding our middle school and high school students to navigate the often tumultuous waters of adolescence with faith and grace. We create an open, welcoming space for dialogues, questions, and shared experiences, enabling our teens to build a strong, personal connection with God.

Family MinistrIES
Our family ministries focus on fostering stronger bonds between families and God. We offer a range of programs and activities designed to encourage families to grow in faith together. From shared worship and study groups to community outings and retreats, we believe in celebrating God’s love as a family.

Community Outreach
Our ‘Island Outreach’ ministry represents the heart of our church – service. We strive to extend God’s love beyond our church walls into the larger Marathon community. From assisting struggling families and organizing community events to contributing to local causes, we believe in being God’s hands and feet in our beloved island community.

Joy on the Rock Festival
Hosted by New Life Church Free Admission Nov. 4th (Saturday) | 11am – 5pm
The event has a dual purpose:
- To provide a family friendly event in which believers and non
believers can come together and enjoy a day of activities, learn more about what their community is doing and worship God! - Help raise support for our Local Ministries and Non Profits. All
monies raised will be decided equally amongst all those represented.
Offerings will take place throughout the event as well as having support stations to contribute.
Local church are coming together to provide musical talents, equipment and resources so we can have a non-stop worship filled event.
We have Headliner Ryan Stevenson band scheduled, The Corbans, and a possible other local worship bands in the works.